Natural Law is expressed through seven basic underlying Principles, plus an 8th Principle which binds the other seven together.
These Principles constitute a Master Key through which Universal Wisdom (including the knowledge of requirements to obtain what we desire) is unveiled, or de-coded.
Let's dive in...
7 General Principles:
1. The Principle of Mentalism
Taking responsibility for our habitual thoughts & routines that are keeping us stuck in the same old patterns and behaviors in our lives that we wish to be free of.
2. The Principle of Correspondence
That which is above is similar or like unto that which is below, it's a holographic system and all systems have patterns to them.
You could break apart a hologram into 4 or more parts and each individual part looks exactly like the others, only difference could be visible by mere shades.
This means that Life and everything in it, is always living up to your expectations.
Are you someone who is beginning to understand that you do have a say in what comes next in your Life?
How is it that how you see yourself in the World and the World at large around you, unfolds perfectly back to you in precise detail almost to a fault? with little to no variations of your expectations from Life.
Do we actually have a say?
Have we always had a say, and we simply weren't aware of it?
Is this a mirrored reality?...
3. The Principle of Vibration
There is no such thing as "non-motion", matter is energy always in a state of Vibration
4. The Principle of Polarity
Everything has a dual nature, everything has it's opposite.
Hot & Cold can only be perceived as opposites through temperature and density, and yet they are both Energy.
5. The Principle of Rhythm
Out & In, Rise & Fall, the pendulum goes Back & Fourth.
You can tap into expanded levels of conscious awareness through "accepting" the expansion & contraction (inevitable ups & downs) throughout Lifes experiences.
The Sun always reveals itself after the storm.
Evidence that whatever it is that you're going through always has better days ahead 100%
This is the flow state, an ever-knowing faith in your ability find the good in all things.
6. The principle of cause & effect
Every cause has its effect, and every effect has its cause, free will is operating within boundary conditions (natural Law) and through all our choices that we set into motion, each moment naturally unfolds living up to our expectations of the way we assume life to be.
When you change one thing it naturally effects other "things" although the tangible evidence may not yet be visible, you can be certain to one day experience its effects.
Chance is but a name for a "Law not recognized" (there is no such thing as "chance")
You set "the cause" into motion, & the Universe is going to bring to you the arrangement of all the dynamics that it needs to rearrange the effect of what you've generated by setting "that cause" 1st into motion.
The Plane of Effects is otherwise known as our physical World we exist in each day.
This is where manifested realities have formed due to their underlying causes.
The Plane of effects (physical World) constitutes that which has already occurred.
Which can only mean the ancestor of every action is a thought...(thoughts always come 1st).
As such, no power to affect change lies here, because that which has already occurred (In the realms of thought) cannot un-occur, it has become that which is (Truth) to the willing participant.
Human Consciousness seems to be "trapped" upon the plane of effects, meaning that humanity as a whole, remains ignorant of the underlying causes (that occur1st in their Minds) which they themselves set into motion, which ultimately leads to self-inflicted suffering in their Lives.
7. The Principle of Gender
Gender exists in everything.
Mental Gender is the state of co-existence between Masculine & Feminine aspects of the human Mind.
Our Left-Brain hemisphere largely facilitates the Masculine aspect of the Mind, or intellectual, logical, analytical & our linear thought processes.
While the right-Brain hemisphere largely facilitates the Feminine aspect, which is Intuition & creative compassionate holistic thought processes.
8.The "Lost" or underestimated Principle (The Generative Principle)
The container in which all the other Principles fit.
The seeds of Life itself.
The principle which governs Creation through critical observations.
Where is your focus?
What are you feeding?
What has your attention?
1. Heart--then--Mind--then--Gut
2. Thoughts--then--Emotions--then--Actions
3. Thinking--then--Feeling--then--Acting
Care is what generates the whole thing.
The "Lost" Principle is the dynamic of Care.
What we care about on a day-to-day basis, acts as the driving force of our thoughts and actions.
You get onto a plane, find your row and see that your ticket is assigned to the window seat. You sit down eagerly anticipating the opportunity to see the world from a different perspective. Then another passenger comes along and is also assigned to your row who really wanted and thought they were getting the window seat and begins to complain and express their disappointment to you and the airline staff, they actually begin to panic making things really uncomfortable for you. You begin to ask yourself do I really care that much? Do I just move and let them have the window seat? With the understanding that I will no longer be able to enjoy the visuals during the flight. Accepting that by not caring so much and realizing that we are both still arriving to the same destination regardless of which seat we have.
Ask yourself, Do I really Care that much??
Therefore, Care can be seen as the ultimate generator of the quality of our experience, and that experience is a choice that we have to make in each moment.
This Principle has often been referred to as the Generative Principle.
The word Generative is derived from the Latin verb genre, which means "TO CREATE"...
Can you give yourself permission to recognize when your judgements & criticisms of others are only draining your energy?
Is there something going on in your Life that you could benefit from by CARYING less??
Looking to expand your awareness and learn more about yourself?
Have you ever explored Energy work?
Looking to find clarity about physical pain, emotional pain, trauma or difficulty deciding what to do next in your Life?
Click the link and sign up for an ERP session today
